Collection: Not Your Mother's Original Works
This is a collection of my original artwork that is the foundation of my "Not Your Mother's" collection. This work celebrates the female voice and the women who represent it. In all of their different colors, sizes, shapes and experiences. Women make up about half ot the world's population, yet our voices are at a huge danger of being diminished and in some circumstances- silenced.
With a bit of humor, I aim to shine a spotlight on that. These original artworks have been done in watercolour, ink, acrylic or a combination of both. I want to show the beauty of women, from a women's perspective. When you disregard the ideals of beauty created by the male gaze (patriarchy), you realize that the majority of women have a beauty or sparkle all their own. I hope this artwork celebrates that.
As for our voice, I have collected those phrases women say under their breath, in the dark, in our minds or to each other and paired them with my artwork in what I hope will create an "aha" moment for every woman. We should all recognize or identify, because whether we admit it or not, we have all said some of these things one time or another. As a single mother, (with a deadbeat), domestic abuse survivor and a person with a disability, I have said most of these phrases more than once, and am quite prolific in the art of the swear.
I hope you enjoy experiencing them as much as I enjoy creating them.